Welcome to my wind archer cookie shrine!

This is my analzation page! here you'll find just about everything about wind archer cookie! there maybe theorys is here, but thell always have "may be" "i beleve" or something a kin to that! A good chunck of this is said like fun facts, were bad at puting our words down on paper, sorry!

Depending on the game (line/ kakao or ovenbreak) changes his lore a bit, in cookie run line it says that he was created by the suger swan "Originally, this Cookie was the wind who loved the forest green. This wind delightfully spent its days spreading fresh and sweet fragrances across the forest. Until the fallen souls started to invade the forest and eat up everything sweet that they saw, leaving the desserts to live in fear.-- In order to save the paradise in peril, the Sugar Swan, blew life and power of purification into the wind.-- Transforming the wind into the Wind Archer Cookie, the protector of the forest from the darkness. As long as Wind Archer Cookie's heart containing the hope of the forest is intact, he'll never stop protecting the forest." (importent part --#--), however in oven break its hevaly implide that the millennal tree created him, as we see with the murals on some of the maps.

In wind archer's ovenbreak (and line/kakao) skill, he turns demon/ fallen spirits in to doves, witch is most likly in refrence to the suger swan, but could also be a refrence to the funral tradition of the "white dove relece.

Its is said that wind archer cookie used to be the wind of the desert paradise, and maybe even the millennal tree city.

Wind archer's, cookie run kingdom (and ovenbreak) discription it says "Originally, this Cookie was the wind who loved the green of the forest. This wind delightfully spent its day spreading fresh and sweet fragrances across the forest. --In order to save the paradise in peril, a mysterious being granted it the power to purify the Darkness.-- This transformed the wind into Wind Archer Cookie, the protector of the forest. As long as Wind Archer Cookie's heart keeps hope, he'll carry on his duty.", this leaves it up in the air witch verson of lore there using.


In wind archer's costume "windward marksman" it says that is bow is made from a branch of a sacred tree making it unbrakial, most likly the millennal tree.

post costume pic if we have enuff room

Wind archer's "respledent wind guardian", is most likly him when winter ends and spring begens.

post soulstone image if we have space

soulstone discription: This stone holds a piece of Wind Archer Cookie’s soul. Nothing can stop the flow of the wind.

post pic of the relic is we have space

"emerald of the wind" relic discription: This gem of verdant green once granted the winds of the forest the form of a Cookie. Something about it reminds you of the colossal tree protecting the world...

post pic here if we have space

"cape of the vanquisher" is a CRK treasure that came out with wind archer cookie, and its very clearly a refrence to wind archer, and spificaly his "guardian of the millennal tree" costume

Wind archer's arrows actaly heal the demons/ fallen spirits in his skill.

The korean word for wind is "바람", whal meaning wind, it can also mean wish.

The demons in wind archer's skill are very similer too the ones found in milk cookie's skill, and may be the same lore wize.

Gift lines for wind archer(plus retierd lines (tho i cut some out cuz theres a LOT of cases of reused lines))

when given "windgrass": "Even this little leaf is important..."

when given "Royal Golden Dough": "Dough? My thanks..."

(retierd) 1 V 1 rases: "Do not underestimate the power of the wind." "I shall purify the Darkness!" "I am one with the wind..." (a good chunk of this gets used in kingdom)

(retierd) trial Welcome: "I shall cure the fallen spirits!" "I shall cast the Darkness away!" "Witness the might of the Wind...!"

(retierd) when taped: "There're no signs of life within this broken machinery..."

(retierd) when given "Broken Key Fragment": "No need..."

2018's april fools Message: "A good arrow can cast the fools away"

when given the "2 annversery cake": "A cake? My thanks..." (a slightly edited line)

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The main way players would get wind archer, and his "guardian of the millennal tree" costume, was to make it to the champions league, and play to earn points to use in the shop there. alternatively you could play break out to get him as a reward for a certin number of points, this is how i was abel to get him. however this has since been changed to an easyer, abiet less creative verson.

post pic

wind archer's affection jelly: It's not easy to protect the forest alone. (I think that this is one of the resons why we disliked blue slushy when she came out, wind archer's lore outside for the newer dessert paradise updates dont support the "dessert gaurdians" charaters.)

Orignaly found in cookie wars windcatcher (wind archer's pet) was called "leaf wheel", however it's name and apperence got changed when they ported it over to ovenbreak.

When running in the map "temple of the millennal tree" windcatcher can randomly drop a big energy potion.

"Guardian of the millennal tree" costume disription: A long time ago, in a deep dark forest, lived the guardian of the Millennial Tree. The Legend is almost forgotten, but his mission is as eternal as the light of his gem, the Emerald Heart. And it is calling him once again!

Wind archer's costume "guardian of the millennal tree", actaly appers in murals found in the map "the golden cradle". pointing to this costume being a past verson of wind archer cookie.

The "guardian of the millennal tree" costume, is the first and only time wind archer's gem is called the "emerald haert"

Wind archer and night reven (a wind archer costume) have invertet color sceems. witch works with the fact that night raven is supposed to be the opposit of wind archer.

post image

Retierd lines for night raven (wind archer's costume)

when given "Solid Black Sugar Crystal": "A glimpse of the dark future..."

when given "Millennial Tree Tears": "Take this away at once!"

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"Night raven" turns the doves from wind archer's skill, back in to demons/ fallen spirits.

"Night raven's" costume discription was drmadicly changed when the devs translated it to english. translated korean discription: "The moment he was touched with darkness, pitch-black wings broke out and the fresh green withered away. Is he covering his eyes in order to be more cruel? The hand that pulls the bow of darkness shows no mercy or sympathy." actual english discription: "Wind Archer Cookie embraced the Darkness to become the merciless Night Raven".

In wind archer's "night raven" costume, it seems like the shooting in the skill animation, is alot quicker and harsh.

"darkwind quiver" is very likly supposed to be "night raven's" (wind archer's costume) quiver.

In korean, the discription for the "darkwind qwiver" mention that anyone shot at with the arrows do not surive.

"Night raven" theory(s) (idk)

Night raven is not only supposed to be the reverse of wind archer, but is the part of him that hates millennal tree/ suger swan. we think that wind archer dosent the situation hes in, and that theres a part of him who hates the one(s) who caused he to be the guardian. he did not ask for this, and yet he hast to be the vaqisher of the darkness. Night raven is the imbodyment of his anger and hate at his situaton. "I take orders from no one!"-- "night raven" when tapped.

However it could also be a fear of being replaced or not needed. that when he is done vaqishing the darkness, he will no longer be needed. Night raven turns doves back in to demons, and wind archer turns demons in to doves, like a never ending loop.

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Wind archer's costume "Zephyr of life" in korean is called "무한한 생명의 권능". witch roghtly translates to "power of infinit life".

"Zephyr of life" is very clearly based off the suger swan, but it goes even futher, the suger swan supposingly resides on top of the millennal tree, with this costume you also get a lobby desine called "Radiance of Galaxy Lake", witch looks like the top of the millennal tree.

The word zephyr is another word for wind, however a zephyr is also a food, its soft and airy in textuer, almost like a marshmellow (please note: i've never eaten a zephry, and could be very wrong about that last part).

Gift lines for zephry of life (plus retierd lines)

when given " Windgrass": "My strength will purify this..."

when given "Royal Golden Dough": "The forest will gladly accept this."

(retierd) when given "Ancient Cookie Chest": "I will help this grow and prosper…"

(retierd) when given "Black Sugar Crystal": "Stand back…!"

(retierd) when tapped: "All life, both ancient and youthful, is precious."

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